Tuesday 9 April 2019

Rules for Writing Mystery

Ready to take the plunge and write your own mystery novel? Here are some rules to follow from award-winning author Susan Spann.

1. Make it about murder. While some authors manage to pen a good mystery surrounding a non-lethal crime, the best of the best, according to Spann, center their tales around a good old fashioned murder.

2. Designate your detective. Before rushing into murder most foul, plan out your crime, and plan out your detective. Your readers will be far more interesting in who’s solving the case than they will be in the case itself.

3. Damage your detective. Heroes aren’t perfect, and your detective shouldn’t be either. Make them emotionally damaged, physically impaired, perhaps even otherwise addicted. In short; make them interesting!

4. Your detective needs a backstory, but don’t write it out directly. An intriguing backstory is one that’s delivered in bits and pieces throughout the novel, rather than in one great big chunk.

5. Make some people before you murder them. Your story takes place somewhere, during a certain time period. Take the time to develop that world, imaginary or otherwise, to give your murder and mayhem a proper backdrop.

Armed with these tips you’ll be writing a great mystery in no time, and as your plot progresses you may just come up with some rules and tips of your own. Happy writing!

Looking for a deep dive into the world of mystery? Visit our online library at www.mystread.com for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more, accessible anytime from your favorite devices.

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